Mæna is a yearly magazine about graphic design in Iceland, published by the department of Design and Architecture – Visual Communication, Iceland Academy of the Arts. Each year has its own theme, and for the 2014 issue Mæna dealt with technology. Designers, academics and students wrote articles on subjects ranging from electronics of the past to dreams of the far future. Graphic design is dependent on technology and is often about making it more accessible. Our intention was to express this in a clear, creative and innovative manner.
The team consisted of 17 students, editor Dóra Ísleifsdóttir and creative directors Birna Geirfinnsdóttir and Lóa Auðunsdóttir. We wanted the magazine itself to be a comment on the designer’s toolkit, using methods such as laser cutting and folding techniques while abstaining from glue and traditional binding methods.
Mæna is set in Adobe Caslon and Apercu, and printed on Colorit, Chromolux and Munken Polar.
Published in 500 copies and hand-bound by the team.